TMD/TMJ Therapy, Sleep Apnea, Tourette’s Syndrome, Athletic Splint
TMD/ TMJ Therapy
For over 35 years, we have been treating TMD/TMJ successfully. Dr. Violette has completed two Masters of Science Degrees related to treating this condition on patients. Remember, not all conditions need to be a complete treatment.
Sleep Apnea
We have been successfully treating patients with snoring and sleep apnea problems for over 25 years. Our oral appliance is discreet, comfortable and a great alternative or complimentary to the CPAP intolerant.
Tourette’s Syndrome Treatment
YES! Tourette’s Syndrome Treatment is in the realm of Dentistry. In the last decade much has been understood about this misjudged disorder and its treatment. We now comprehend that dentists can play a major role in resolving most cases. In the last 30 years, Dr. Violette has studied extensively with the world-leading expert in the field, Dr. Harold Gelb (see YOUTUBE video on Dr. Harold Gelb).
PowerBite Athletic Splints
Power bites are scientifically proven to improve balance and strength in any athletes.
Videos related to TMD/TMJ Therapy, Sleep Apnea, Tourette’s, Athletic Splint are located on the video page.